
This blog is maintained by The Pollit Bureau. It is our intention to be a ready source for articles that have featured a poll. To be included in our blog, a poll has to have been mentioned in one of the following:
1. Newspaper
2. Magazine
3. News Organization
4. Twitter
5. Polling company website
6. Youtube
It is not our intention to have every poll listed. We are trying to be a catalog, if you will, that depicts what is occurring at that moment in history through the use of polls. We are not interested in Political polls that measure the leads of candidates (especially tracking polls), nor are we interested in Sports polls that attempt  to predict which team is #1. We are interested in the ISSUES.  We have category tabs and some polls may be included in more than one category. Many of the Articles we include will have data about politicians, but that is not our focus; these same articles often discuss other topics also and therefore are deemed worthy of inclusion in our postings.
 As for dates of inclusion, we are listing poll entries as they are reported by the media mentioned above, not the date(s) the poll was actually conducted; as it is not unusual for a poll that was conducted several years ago to be reported on currently.

  Your comments and views are welcomed.